Showing posts with label employment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label employment. Show all posts

The Zabelieth Job Boards List for Working Globally

Saturday, May 10, 2014

My master's degree graduation is just around the corner, which means there is now less than a month until I will no longer be a student for the first time in my life.  Entering the job market and taking on the completely new role of "career woman," as many of our readers know, is one of the largest transitions we make in our lives.  Lucky for our generation, we live in an era when there are few barriers to working anywhere in the country or, really, anywhere in the world.  At the very least, we can apply for any job in the world we feel we are qualified for.  It can be kind of overwhelming, the sheer number of possibilities out there for someone fresh out of school, with few or no major tethers.  But it's also so exciting.

Anyways, as my job search continues, I just thought I would share the long list of fantastic job boards that I have encountered.  This list is particularly useful for anyone interested in working abroad in fields related to foreign affairs, international relations, conflict resolution, development, or the nonprofit/NGO sector.

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