Welcome to Zabelieth!
This blog is the brain-child of a pair of extroverted Elizabeths who met in high school in rural Illinois.
Eli here. I'm the blonde one. Zab and I met in high school and have been inseparable ever since. We moved to Williamsburg, VA, together to go to the College of William & Mary, from which we are both graduates of the Class of 2013. We're now getting geared up to start our lives as young professionals! It's a very exciting time, and we hope to share our trials and adventures as young adults here on Zabelieth.
I love travel, and can now say I've been to more countries than I am years old. Coming up, I want to visit Italy, Poland, and the Netherlands; as well as Canada, seeing either British Columbia or Nova Scotia. I’d also like to return to London and Paris. I hope to continuing this for the rest of my life - at least one new country a year! Among other things, this blog is the travelogue of Zab and myself, so this is where you'll be hearing about our voyages.
We also love creative writing and international relations. Zab and I share the staunch belief in the importance of knowing what's happening in the world, not just through reading the news, but through in-depth reading and studying and travelling. I've finished an M.A. in Peace and Conflict Studies and my dream is to go into a field which sits at the intersection of global affairs and media. Perhaps documentary filmmaking? We'll see!
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