
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Welcome to Zabelieth!

This blog is an outlet for two longtime friends, Eli and I, to share our experiences in college, around the world, and as readers, writers, artists, sailors, amateur chefs, world travelers, musicians, tea aficionados, and express whatever wonderful life experiences we happen to have!

We are both Elizabeths - so we go by different nicknames to set us apart. I am Zab, the brunette, ocean-and-sun-loving Elizabeth. I was born and raised in the Chicago area, and have a large Midwestern family. I met Eli in high school, and we've been truly inseparable ever since. By some gift of fate, we both continued on to Williamsburg, Virginia when we turned 18 to attend the College of William & Mary. Now we are both looking forward, to unlimited horizons, as we continue on with our education and careers.

I like to say that I was sailing before I could walk - and it was probably true. My father is an ardent sailor, and throughout my life he's owned various small wooden boats, and my most treasured childhood memories always involve the sea. When I was young, my family vacationed in Penobscot, Maine and Sanibel Island, Florida, and I grew up devoted to both the rocky, desolate beauty of the northeast ocean and the soft, caressing Caribbean. I attended sailing school at the Lake Geneva Yacht Club as a kid and competed in crew during high school, and feel more at home on the beach or on the water than on land. Being close to the sea is a lifelong pursuit.

Like Eli, I've been a huge reader since I was young. I couldn't possibly count the number of books I've read, but every book has been a unique experience and shaped me for who I am today. My favourites include Anthem by Ayn Rand, Lady Chatterly's Lover by DH Lawrence, Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, and Monsieur by Emma Becker. Eli and I were also bound together by our passion for writing. We've started (and sometimes finished!) more stories than we could count, and have encouraged each other and learned more about each other over the years. Though college and the real world makes it harder to spend time on hobbies, we still push ourselves to explore this passion whenever we have time.

I'm also a devoted dog lover. I joke that one day I'll become an old dog lady, with endless amounts of dogs, and it's probably true. I grew up with little miniature poodles, and once I moved to Virginia, I adopted my two babies, Eden (a staffordshire terrier mix) and Hades (a boxer mix). I love spoiling them: finding new treats to bake, buying them accessories, and throwing birthday parties. I can't help it. They're my one weakness!

I graduated from the College of William & Mary in 2013 with a degree in Economics; I love finance and investment management and plan to pursue it further with a Master's in finance. I think consumer choice, psychology and sociology put into action is fascinating. I dream of working in wealth management, traveling the world, living by the sea, and experiencing new things every day - because not a moment of life should be wasted! Eli and I both believe in taking every opportunity to try something new and live life to the fullest. We hope to express that here, on Zabelieth. Enjoy!!

See Zab's posts from her summer in London at LSE!

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